Acceptable Waste

  • Grass Cuttings
  • Hedge/Shrub Cuttings
  • Fallen Leaves
  • Plant & Flower Heads
  • Branches
  • Tree Stumps (if clean)
  • Timber

Prohibited Waste

  • Plastic Bags
  • Plastic of any kinds
  • Flower Pots
  • Garden Furniture
  • Stones / Gravel / Soil
  • Metal
  • Treated Timber


The Composting Process

In this section we take you through the composting process from initial green waste drop off to the final product. We operate at GreenKing an open windrow composting system. Controlling the levels of water and oxygen and balancing the carbon : nitrogen ratio are the main management drivers for successful open windrow composting. After these are achieved time is required to produce low odour, efficient volume reduction and a value added end product.

STEP 1: Green Waste is stockpiled and shredded at approximately 400 tonnes. The green waste is shredded using a Vermeer tub grinder and loaded with a caterpillar excavator with grab attachment.

STEP 2: The Composting Process. The shredded green waste is moved using a caterpillar loading shovel into long rows (Windrows). These rows are turned on a weekly basis to improve porosity and oxygen content, mix in or remove moisture and redistribute cooler and hotter portions of the rows.

STEP 3: The Composting Process. When temperatures within the rows have reduced, the rows are screened using a Neuenhauser star screener and the resulting compost/mulch is stockpiled and allowed to mature. These piles are again turned until the compost/mulch is fully mature. Mature compost is material in which biological activity has slowed. All of the easily degraded molecules have been broken down, leaving the complex organic material behind.

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